This is the only brave (or crazy) student to paint with me yesterday: Richard Schmid . I liked his comp better than mine actually because of his slower lead in with the driveway curve. Different concept and better result I think.
A tip of the hat to a new member of the hardcore winter painters group.Good job Richard- the other Richard Schmid would be proud of you.
I am from Cape Ann and have always been crazy to be out in the cold.We are just brought up that way down there... Always trying to bring in new members to the club ,ha,ha!
Outdoor sessions continue every Sunday afternoon from 1-4pm. For the indoor people who want to stay warm- Saturdays from 10:30-1:3opm in my studio and I have a wood pellet stove.
Three day winter workshop coming up Feb. 19-21 (no indoor class that weekend -sorry unless it rains or snows of course)
Paint all day for three days. See my web site for more info: