This is an oil 20 x 24", of Peacham, Vermont at twilight. The sounds of the church bells while painting high on the hill were just wonderful. It was the highlight of the painting trip for me.
I am back from my painting trip to Vermont. Here is an acrylic on panel 6 x 8" that I worked up from an oil done on location. Email offers will be accepted .
Curled up in front of the fireplace on a cold winter night dreaming greyhound dreams. He even has his own pillow. Spoiled rotten....6 x 8" acrylic on panel Email offers accepted.
This beautiful building is just up the street from my house. It will soon be a b&b and when I have students from out of town , I'll send them there. The new owners call it the "Angel of North Berwick". Oil on canvas - 7 x 9".
Yes, I actually did this one in Portsmouth today in the freezing rain. By the time I had finished I had to scrape the ice off of my palette and my paint was very gummy with ice crystals. Oh well that's life as a plein air painter in New England. It is 6 x 8" in oils.